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Peep Show

Posted on Apr 13, 2006 in Kitchen Musings

Spring is in the air – the sun is shining, birds are singing, lovers are loving, and Restaurant Girl is hanging out with her Peeps! Who are my Peeps, you might naively ask… they’re the colorful, marshmallow candies who dedicate their lives to Easter.  But don’t think that my sugar-coated posse is just a seasonal afterthought.  Even though they flood your local drugstore only once a year,  the Just Born Candy Company is working furiously all year around laying two million Peep eggs a day to meet the Easter demand.  When Easter finally arrives, over 600 million Peeps (in the form of birds, bunnies, & eggs) migrate from their holy birthplace of Bethlehem, PA, to spread sugar-coated joy around the world! But Peeps are so much bigger than just a candy… they’ve become a way of life.  People like...

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Tasty Trends:Spring Forward

Posted on Mar 3, 2006 in Trendwatch

Daniel, Craft, Bouley, Per Se,oh my!  I could go on, but I won’t make you jealous with all of the delicious details.  Think of it as The Fashion Week of Food as thirty-eight of the city’s biggest chefs cooked up a sublime storm all in the name of C-CAP (Careers Through Culinary Arts).  It was every foodie’s whet dream this year and I, a culinary martyr, left no dish untasted, no plate uncleaned, to bring you the hottest trends in food for spring: RETRO DESSERTS      From Olives’ surprisingly satisfying Black cherry ice cream float, topped off with a rice krispie treat, to Atelier’s gourmet homage to the Mallomar (hazelnut biscuit bottom), classic favorites are making a comeback in cuisine.  The pastry goddess herself, Craft’s KarenDeMasco, was out in full form, personally frying up cinammon doughnuts with the...

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Food Trend Watch – Apple Cake with Bacon?

Posted on Feb 25, 2006 in Trendwatch

   I remember it like it was yesterday — the first time I saw salt curiously sprinkled atop a potentially perfect dark chocolate torte.  I admittedly rolled my eyes and dismissed it as another celebrity chef’s whimsical attempt to drum up attention.  I couldn’t have been more ecstatic to be wrong. Suddenly, it all made sense.  Salt was the perfect complement to chocolate, evoking the rich complexity of the cocoa bean in all its well-deserved glory.   But pastry chefs didn’t stop there: wasabi, pepper, chile, even cilantro.  The unlikely marriages that have taken place in the past year in the dessert world have rocked the very foundation on which my favorite course has so firmly stood. But bacon?  I cringed at the mere sight of syrup carelessly poured on perfectly good breakfast bacon. That is until one fateful fall...

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Posted on Jan 30, 2006 in Trendwatch

SALTY & SWEET —  This season’s culinary odd couple is dessert seasoned with sea salt as the city’s top chefs discover the magic of salt.  From Le Bernadin’s sumptous “egg” filled with milk chocolate crème, caramel foam, maple syrup and sea salt to david burke and donatella’s chocolate and caramel layers with a pinch of sel de gris and sea salt ice cream to boot, salt is getting the recognition it deserves as the quintessential seasoning, intensifying the flavor of just about anything.  Growing so popular in the art of pastry, this condiment is even showing up at trendier restaurants, like Butter, where a chocolate semifreddo is perfectly paired with Hawaiian sea salt and caramel. FOOD & WINE – Many of New York’s newest and hippest restaurants are planning to bring food and wine pairings to the masses.  While...

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