Marche Biologique Raspail

Maybe this market was overhyped to me because I didn’t think much of it, at least in comparison to the other outdoor markets the city has to offer. Then again, I’m more concerned with excellent ingredients than the importance of organic, which, of course, is important. Just not as important as great-tasting produce, bread, and cheese. And really, who wants to eat gluten free bread if they don’t have to?
Although, if you do have a gluten free intolerance, this is a welcome option in a city that’s still catching up in the organic, gluten-free, allergy free department. In case you’re wondering, organic in French is called Bio or Biologique, and Marche Raspail’s Sunday market is entirely bio, which is pretty unique in these parts. That means every French hippie and forward-thinking farmer descends on the Left Bank to peddle their wares. It’s a relatively upscale and chic crowd that goes food shoppings here, likely because organic costs more.
Like most every outdoor market, there are stalls with everything from fresh seafood to locally grown fruis and vegetables (carrots, artichokes, & kale), organic cheeses and homemade breads. The bread stalls (one’s pictured right) have an intense selection of everything from traditional Baguettes to Multigrain Breads, Croissants & Viennoiserie. In particular, there’s a terrific nut, spice & olive stand with incredible variety.
If you’re looking for ready-to-eat food, I’m a fan of the Potato Pancake Stall, made-to-order, piping hot and delicious, freshly baked tarts and cakes, and even a stall with specialties from Crete Island.
You’ll also find organic cosmetics and clothes at this stylish market in the 6th arrondissement.